Wednesday, March 23, 2011


- put all your layers into 1 folder and call it ipod
- make a duplicate of that folder(make 2 copies)
-name your folders( folder 1 -shadorw, folder 2-reflections)
- the shadow and reflectiong folders flatten them
- reflections =transform it ( flip verticle)
- put a mask on your reflection
- use paint brush to reduce the oppacity
- take your shadow layer and control +click on your layer icon
-fill it with black
-deselect it
- transform it and make it really small
- gaussin blur

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

layer composition

7 tools in composition:
1.higherarcy- means organizing things from most important to least important
2.focal point(focus point)- the strongest most compelling element in a design
3.eye path- a strong composition can guide the viewer's eye through the design
4.proportion- size of elements relative to one to another
5.visual weight- the lightness or darkness of a colour
6.type as a visual element
7.alignment(GRID)- the alignment of elements can give a sence of visual

design with intention- dont place things on the page without thought

use these tools you guide the viewer's eye