Monday, April 4, 2011



1. If you want to get music into audacity, go to project and import audio.
2. Project, new label track.
3. Remember to bring in earphones.
4. The dumbell tool is a time shift tool.
5. Selction tool is useful to select what to edit.
6. Envolope tool works by clicking mutiple times to add points which shrinks or enlarges the points.
7. The pencil tool zooms in the waves.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


- put all your layers into 1 folder and call it ipod
- make a duplicate of that folder(make 2 copies)
-name your folders( folder 1 -shadorw, folder 2-reflections)
- the shadow and reflectiong folders flatten them
- reflections =transform it ( flip verticle)
- put a mask on your reflection
- use paint brush to reduce the oppacity
- take your shadow layer and control +click on your layer icon
-fill it with black
-deselect it
- transform it and make it really small
- gaussin blur

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

layer composition

7 tools in composition:
1.higherarcy- means organizing things from most important to least important
2.focal point(focus point)- the strongest most compelling element in a design
3.eye path- a strong composition can guide the viewer's eye through the design
4.proportion- size of elements relative to one to another
5.visual weight- the lightness or darkness of a colour
6.type as a visual element
7.alignment(GRID)- the alignment of elements can give a sence of visual

design with intention- dont place things on the page without thought

use these tools you guide the viewer's eye

Friday, February 18, 2011


how to make a mask:
-drag the layer onto the other picture
-for free transform= control+t
-zoom out if you can't see the transform handles
- transform the image to make it look believable
- making the brush smaller or bigger: left/right brachets: these [ or ]
- you can press shift to dram from one point to another
- if you wanna blend something use a soft brush with low opacity

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


-if you want to mone several layers at the same time you can shift> select them
-if you want to edit the background layer double click it and just remane it
-the scortcut to fill is alt+delete
- control+click thumbnail to get a selection back
- always name all your layers
- do dective work by slowly turning your layes off

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

how to make a drop shadow-

1. use the text tool to write your name
2. right click on the layer to rasterize the layer
3. duplicate the layer
4. lock the transperancy on the duplicated layer
5. under edit> fill>black
6. unlock transpearency
7. filter>blur> gauzzaier blur
8. move the " shadow to the right and down
9.optional reduce the opacity

notes- how to make a blappel

step 1- quick selection tool to select the background
step 2- select the stem
step 3- invert that selection
step 4 - change the hue/satration

Monday, February 14, 2011


*control+d = deselect
*shift+control+I= invert
*copy and paste to put it into another layer or you can drag it onto the other layer.
*you can turn visibility of a layer on or off
* to make a shadow- copy a layer then fill the object with black and go to gaussin blur
* to get a selection back hold down the control key and click on the picture(thumbnail)

Friday, February 11, 2011


-you can save selection and load selection
-you can change the color by going to inage/adjestments/ hue-satration
- hand tool=space bar
-zoom in = space+control
-zoom out = space+control+alt
- add selection= shift
- remove selection = alt

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kaushal's Elements and Principles of Design Scrapbook

Below this post is a scrapbook containing the basic elements and principles of design in communications technology.

Asymmetrical balance-

Asymmetrical balance is similar to symmetrical balance in way. The image is also balanced but they need to be placed to correlate each other. The image above shows asymmetrical balance because the image is balanced but they are not exactly the same. One side seems heavier while the other seems lighter due to the window. Also, one side seems solid, and the other side with the window seems fragile.

Symmetrical balance-

Symmetrical balance has to do mainly with being equal. It makes an image or object seem perfect, stable, and balanced. The image above is an example of symmetrical balance. As seen above, if it were to be cut in half, each piece would be the same or symmetrical.


Emphasis is basically the focus or accent an element (or sometimes groups of elements) to make it stand out. The thing you have to remember about emphasis is that you cannot give everything emphasis because then you’d end up with no emphasis at all. An example of emphasis is the image above. The milk on top of that castle tells us that milk can make anything seem bright especially on a dark place. So basically the element that is emphasized is the colour element.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Proportion has to do with the size and relationship of one part to another. By itself the size of an object is only meaningful when compared to the size of another object. For example, imagine you meet an alien how can you tell if its a child or an adult? you can only tell that when you see either another alien which is smaller or bigger. Therefore proportion is only implied when the an object is compared to another. For example, the image above has 2 different breeds of dogs. Notice that one of them is bigger and the other is smaller. Even their physical appearance are not really the same as well. One of them has longer legs while the other has short legs.


This image shows rhythm because is repeats some of the elements. For example, it keeps on repeating shape, line and color which is 3 out of 4 elements. This repeats shape because there a lot of ovals. It repeats color because it is all black. Last but not least, it repeats lines because there are lot of lines.  


All creative work has a unified design. Harmony is closely related to unity. Your work must be conceived as a whole with all its parts relating to one another to give one, overall, unified effect. If there’s no unity it’s confusing to the audience and will appear to fall apart. This image shows the harmony between different colors. The color wheel also has unity because it shows what colors go well together, and how colors are formed.


Black is the combination all colors. People when believe black to be evil and white to be good. Black can also mean fear since a lot of people are afraid of the dark.


Texture is a term used to describe how an image will look or how it feels when touched upon. Different patterns on the texture of an image could explain the roughness or smoothness of the image. The image above is a the fur of a bear. As seen above, they are some sort of patterns on fur. If you were to imagine rubbing your fingertips on the fur, it would feel soft.


A shape is a self contained defined area of geometric or organic form Each of the basic shapes is associated with psychological meaning. for example, Circle - Motion, Infinity, creating emphasis. This image shows different shapes. This image shows 4 different shapes. The different shapes shown are triangle, square, circle and rectangle.


A line is a element of design that form the shapes of an image. Lines can be loose, free, straight or sharp. Repetition of lines can create patterns and emotional impact. This image has sharp lines and repetitions of line which creats a pattern.